Thursday, August 22, 2013

Day 37: Holly's Lost days

 After school today Sarina, Ashley, and me and one of our Chinese co-ordinators, Mary, went to the post office to buy stamps.  It was super easy to get there because Mary was there to help guide us. But on the way home we got way lost, we ended up on the complete opposite side of where we are living, so frustrating, people were yelling at us in Chinese, and honking at us, and I just felt like screaming. after about 3 hours of being lost, we finally made it home safe and sound and only semi hating each other. (I'm kidding, though I did just apologize to them in case I was being grumpy and rude;P)  My first bad day in China, and it wasn't even that bad.

Now to lighten the mood, enjoy these adorable pictures of some pretty cute kids:

Jayden! He's two! But he is learning so so fast! Every time I walk into the classroom he say "good morning teach-a!"

Bossco! Every day when he goes and washes his hands he puts soap on them and then runs and shows me and Courtney his soapy hands and he laughs and laughs! :) 

Eason! :) He is always singing and dancing! :)

I had the chance to name this cute little girl, so I decided on the name Emmy:) After my lovely sister:) Her parents wanted something unique! and they ended up loving the name!:)

This is king! He is so so cute, but so so clueless, he walks around with his head in the clouds and is ALWAYS wandering off, I love him so much though! Such a cute little boy! 

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