Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Day 13: Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Park

After school we went to Sun Yat-Sen MeMorial park! It was so beautiful and lush! I loved it! :) 

History Lesson!:
Dr. Sun Yat-sen (12 November 1866 – 12 March 1925) was a Chinese revolutionary, first president and founding father of the Republic of China ("Nationalist China"). As the foremost pioneer of Republic of China, Sun is referred to as the "Father of the Nation" in the Republic of China (ROC), and the "forerunner of democratic revolution" in the People's Republic of China. You should read more about it! It was super interesting to read about! :)

Pretty View from top!:) 

Sun Yat-Sen

Courtney and I

All the Girls

FAiling at jumping pictures! All the Chinese where staring at us when we where doing it;P silly Americans! 

so so heavy;)

so so so so pretty! 

Such a fun time every time I go out to amazing parks! :) I have such a fun time with all these people! :)

Monday, July 29, 2013

Day 12: Realizations

You know that song in Hercules when he sings:

"I'll be there someday 
I can go the distance 
                                                          I will find my way
 If I can be strong 
I know every mile
 Will be worth my while
 When I go the distance 
I'll be right where I belong"

Super cheesy I know. :P   But that's just how I feel, I love it here so much, I don't know if it's actual China, my fellow ILP teachers, teaching kids, or a combination of all three! ;P  I just feel so warm and fuzzy here in China. I know its only day 12 but I feel like its just going to get better and better. I just know that when I get back to America I will be a whole new person, in a good way! :)The people here are the nicest people you will EVER meet! They say hello all the time, and they have helped us out so much! I just LOVE the Chinese! They are so humble and caring, and I just can't get over how much I care about this country, the kids i'm teaching, and my new wonderful friends! I am so happy that I still have quite a long time left! GO CHINA! :)   (Though I do miss my family so much.) (a lot!) 

Today me and Nikki got bus passes! Officially Chinese! :) 

our view as we walked to one plus one! :)
oreo chocolate smoothie;) yum! :)
Nikki and I :)

Then after we got back, we went swimming with Kyle, Ash and Sarina! :) and that was a ton of fun! 
I just feel so comfortable around them, Like I can just be myself and they don't care! no judgement! :) I Love them! 

Good night from beautiful China! ^_^ 

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Day 11: Crafty Sunday:)

I was so worried that when I came to China I wouldn't be able to be crafty and do artsy stuff! but I was very wrong! :) I love making the little things for my lessons! It  is so fun! :) Me and nikki just sit on our beds listening to music and talking and doing things for our lessons!:) fun times! :)

Rumble in the jungle! :)
selfie ;)  with my chinese curlers :P

We did nothing else! just a boring fun relaxing day! ;P

Things I like today:
1) I got to skype my sister:) and my mama and papa:)
2) doing crafts!:)
3) I worked out at the gym and I feel healthy and fit;P

I hate nothing today! It was just a great day! :) I LOVE CHINA! :)

Day 10: Walking street!

walking street bridge! 

China is so so beautiful!

Walking street mall! the cutest clothes ever! They had the most adorable dress! But Since I am kind of tall in China's standards it was very very short for me;P
We came across these secret stair on walking street and climbed up them and there was all these beautiful trails and jungly (is that a word?) It was so so fun! i much rather do stuff like hike and find secret passageways then go shopping! 

on top of the stairs!

beautiful view from on secret garden place! :)

When i see this i think of Mulan! :)

I never really believed anybody when they said that the chinese would want to take pictures with us! I've had my picture taken about 10 times, it really is a boost for my self confidence! ;)

Me and Sarina!

I petted theses fluffy little guys! i miss my puppies so much! 

On the bridge. and these guys where selling random animals!

If you look closely you can see a cat! ;P

Today was such a fun day! I am really loving most of my roommates! we all get along pretty well! and i love exploring this beautiful city of Zhongshan! the people are so nice and kind! and are so understanding with us and the language barrier is hard but when speaking with them, all that radiates is there kindness and respect for us for trying to understand and learn their cultural! I love China! :)

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Day 9: Happy Friday! :)

Happy Friday everyone! Thank goodness! 

Today was such a fun day with the kids! I love them so so much! Here are some pictures of the cutest little guys you will ever see! :)

Boss-co saw that i had a camera and started being a little model;) 

Candy! :) so cute!

Eason! Everyday I walk into class he kisses my hands and says "good morning teacha!"


This is jim! he speaks really good english! He told me today "Teacha you look beautiful!" he is so cute! :)


One of my favorites!:) her name is Susie and she is super shy but she's finally warming up to me and wants to sit next to me and hold my hand all the time:) I love her!:)




Thursday, July 25, 2013

Day 8: Lesson planning

I just realized that I've been in China for a week!

It feels a lot longer then that. We didn't really do anything today, we just planned lesson for next week which will be the death of me. :P THis weekend should be a lot of fun! 

Well, i am super tired so i'm going to go to bed:P 

sorry for the boring post! ;P

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Day 7: Happy Wednesday

Is it friday yet? 

Teaching is rough and we all just want to explore the city:) But the kids are all so stinkin' cute. I already love them, even if some of them are complete handfuls. ;P

Picture time:
Ashlee, Courtney, Nikki, me, Kyle, Ali, Sarina! First group photo:)

It was raining all day so there was pretty fog on the moutains:)

Sarina, Ali, Nikki

First Manicure in China;P it was super fun to go do that with all the girls:)

Dragon fruit (very good)

A funny cup. From our favorite juice/smoothie place: A-Ok and our waitress person gave us her number so we can hang out with her and be friends:) her english name is Licky. (they make up english names for themselves that are not at all english)

Things I like today:

1) trying new fruit
2) raining (it makes it so much colder)
3) New friends we are making in China
4) teaching the cute little kids

Things I don't like:

1) Cafeteria food
2) Being so tired at 3:00pm

Goodnight everybody:)