Monday, July 29, 2013

Day 12: Realizations

You know that song in Hercules when he sings:

"I'll be there someday 
I can go the distance 
                                                          I will find my way
 If I can be strong 
I know every mile
 Will be worth my while
 When I go the distance 
I'll be right where I belong"

Super cheesy I know. :P   But that's just how I feel, I love it here so much, I don't know if it's actual China, my fellow ILP teachers, teaching kids, or a combination of all three! ;P  I just feel so warm and fuzzy here in China. I know its only day 12 but I feel like its just going to get better and better. I just know that when I get back to America I will be a whole new person, in a good way! :)The people here are the nicest people you will EVER meet! They say hello all the time, and they have helped us out so much! I just LOVE the Chinese! They are so humble and caring, and I just can't get over how much I care about this country, the kids i'm teaching, and my new wonderful friends! I am so happy that I still have quite a long time left! GO CHINA! :)   (Though I do miss my family so much.) (a lot!) 

Today me and Nikki got bus passes! Officially Chinese! :) 

our view as we walked to one plus one! :)
oreo chocolate smoothie;) yum! :)
Nikki and I :)

Then after we got back, we went swimming with Kyle, Ash and Sarina! :) and that was a ton of fun! 
I just feel so comfortable around them, Like I can just be myself and they don't care! no judgement! :) I Love them! 

Good night from beautiful China! ^_^ 

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy you are doing so well. :) I love you!

    Guess what I found today?

    Fudge dipped COCONUT Oreo's!!!!!!!

    Can you believe that? I must be livin' right to have stumbled across such goodness.
