Sunday, July 21, 2013

Day 4: Downtown Adventures

Finally got a proxy server that actually works:P but while day four is fresh in my mind, i'm going to write about that and maybe come back to the first three!

I was feeling a little bit homesick this morning, especially since yesterday I was feeling nauseous. So I FaceTime'd my mom and talking to her cheered me up but also made me incredibly sad that I wasn't with her. So after I was done face-timing her, me and Nikki decided to go on a run/walk (ended up walking because it is so freakin' hot out even in the early morning)  and that cheered me right up. Nikki is so nice and really easy to talk to I'm very grateful that I will be able to get to know her better in our time in China. :)

                                                Me and Nikki last night when we went
                                            on a walk around the Apartment with Kyle.

When we got back from our walk, all of our group (Nikki, Kyle, Ash, Ali, Sarina, Courtney and me) went to downtown Zhongshan which was super fun! We ended up splitting up so me, ash, Nikki and sarina walked around and I got a super cute swimsuit that cost about 20 US dollars:) 

Everybody is super nice here they say hello when we walk by super excitedly because they know were American and their trying to make us feel welcome in their home. I love it, its a bit of a struggle with the language barriers but we get by with miming what we want. It gets pretty funny. For example we went to a clothing/shoe store and there were a ton of different kinds of shoes so I was going to by a pair but I needed a size bigger but they just didn't understand what I needed, and i was trying to sign . So we all decided to just come back once we looked up what size we are in chinese sizes. 

 Then we went to the one plus one market to get some supplies we needed for our apartment and for our lessons tomorrow.  This one was huge, it was 4 stories tall! way bigger then the one we have near our China home. We also ran into one of our coordinators (Brenni)  there and we talked to her for a bit, she promised us she would take us to "walking street" which is like a vender style street. So I am super excited about that! we then went to the fruit market so Nikki could get some vegetables to cook with her noodles for dinner. 

After the fruit market we headed back to our apartment so we could meet up with the other part of the group, we ended up just staying at the apartment and playing games, and talking. it was super fun! After dinner, me and Sarina had to make our ants on a log for our lesson tomorrow and Nikki helped us out with that! it was super fun and we were all just singing camp songs. 

             My cute little lesson: Ants on a log:)                                        Nikki and Sarina:)

Today was a really good day in China:) 

Things I like today:
1) Coconut milkshakes
2) cute swimsuits
3) fluffy bread from a bakery
4) making new friends 

Things I hate today:

1) Humidity
2) homesickness
3) Not having a dog to sleep with 

Well I have to go over my lesson plan for tomorrow! First day of teaching! :o Yikes! Wish me luck:)


  1. SO PROUD OF YOU!!!!! Not for going to china - but for actually doing a blog post!!!! Yay holly!!!! :)

    Things I'm jealous about today:
    1. Coconut milkshakes!!!! Are you kidding me? That sounds so good. Next time drink one for me okay?

    I love you. You are awesome

  2. I would love the fruit market! Good luck on your first day teaching. All will be fine.

  3. Hi Holly, it sure looks like you are having a great time. Hope you are enjoying the teaching part. I think it is amazing what you are doing. Keep up the good work. Love you. We are so proud of you.
